The bookmaker most sought after by the betting community in the Philippines today is Bingo Plus. Every day, we receive one thousand account registrations. This is thanks to transparent betting entertainment activities and attractive betting products. Register at Bingo Plus now to join the experience with us. The article below provides more details about registering an account at Bingo Plus.

Steps to Register Bingo Plus Account

To take the first step in participating in entertainment betting at the leading reputable bookmaker in the Philippines – Bingo Plus casino. Players are required to register Bingo Plus to have a valid betting account. Many bettors are still confused because they don’t know how to register an account. Therefore, we will guide you to register an account in just a few simple steps.

  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3

Bingo Plus Com login register & start registration

First, players in the Philippines should find the Bingo Plus VIP login link. We will provide you with a secure link below:

After logging in to Bingo Plus’s homepage. Players should click “Register” to open the account registration form.

Step 1: Bingo Plus Com login register & start registration

Fill in the account registration information in the form

After you click on “Register” on the home page, a registration form will appear. Please provide your personal information in this form. Note that you can only use your personal information, do not use other people’s or fake personal information.

Step 2: Fill in the account registration information in the form
  • Account: The account length requirement must be 4-10 characters and can include both letters and numbers. Accounts cannot contain special characters.
  • Password: Password length requirement must be 4-20 characters and can include both letters and numbers. Accounts cannot contain special characters.
  • Confirm Password: Re-enter the exact password you created.
  • Mobile Number: Enter your phone number, the phone number must have 10 numeric characters and must omit the leading 0.
  • Referral Code: Fill in the agent’s referral code. You can leave this information blank if you do not have a referral code.

Confirm account registration

After completing the account registration information, click on the section to confirm the age to participate in betting and agree to Bingo Plus’s terms. Finally, select “Register now” to complete Bingo Plus registration.

Policies Users
Policies Users
  1. Bingo Plus’s website is only for personal purposes, such as participating in recreational betting. All other uses are prohibited.
  2. Please make sure you are of age to participate in betting; we require players to be at least 18 years old.
  3. Each individual can only register one account at Bingo Plus. If we detect that you have more than 1 account, Bingo Plus will lock your account and revoke the rewards.
  4. Players must keep their account information confidential and not provide login passwords to others. We will not be responsible for any damages if you disclose your account information.
  5. Participate in betting seriously and refrain from engaging in fraudulent behavior.

Bookmaker Bingo Plus is a betting brand that is very popular with bettors in the Philippines. All of our betting entertainment activities are conducted transparently and publicly to ensure fairness for all participating bettors. So register Bingo Plus today, and you will have the opportunity to receive attractive rewards and wins.